Yet another COVID-19 warning to report from a local business. The only difference is it’s from your favorite local print shop and graphics company. We understand the importance of banding together during drastic times. But, in this case make sure to do it from a distance. Our main concern as a Michigan small business is the health and well-being of our employees and clientele. All necessary precautions for COVID-19 continue to be made on a day-to-day basis for the safety of our company, our valued customers, and our families.

Our reputation to our clients is to produce high-quality print and graphic material. As a local business we will continue to ship out completed orders promptly even if our doors have officially closed to the public. This practice will help reduce our social interaction with our potentially infected client base (no offense). We are here for you, but please stay patient with our staff. If you already have a design project, installation, or print order in progress, please call our office for any questions or concerns, (586) 726-8150.


We encourage everyone to stay home during COVID-19, share your toilet paper rolls, and wash your d*&% hands. We hope to have your full confidence, and trust that our number one concern is for the health and safety of our employees and client base. After 40 years in the print business, we believe we will remain strong throughout these trying times, but we certainly can’t wait until they pass.

From all of us on the Commercial Graphics Inc. team, we hope you remain in good health and spirits. If we stay together, while practicing social distancing, we will get through this and hopefully get back to what’s important in life: Tracy’s inappropriate jokes and some good laughs.

For the latest reporting on COVID-19 from the Centers of Disease Control visit or your local health department website. Thank you for your loyalty.

– The Commercial Graphics Inc. Team

Yet another COVID-19 warning to report from a local business. The only difference is it’s from your favorite local print shop and graphics company. We understand the importance of banding together during drastic times. But, in this case make sure to do it from a distance. Our main concern as a Michigan small business is the health and well-being of our employees and clientele. All necessary precautions for COVID-19 continue to be made on a day-to-day basis for the safety of our company, our valued customers, and our families.

Our reputation to our clients is to produce high-quality print and graphic material. As a local business we will continue to ship out completed orders promptly even if our doors have officially closed to the public. This practice will help reduce our social interaction with our potentially infected client base (no offense). We are here for you, but please stay patient with our staff. If you already have a design project, installation, or print order in progress, please call our office for any questions or concerns, (586) 726-8150.


We encourage everyone to stay home during COVID-19, share your toilet paper rolls, and wash your d*&% hands. We hope to have your full confidence, and trust that our number one concern is for the health and safety of our employees and client base. After 40 years in the print business, we believe we will remain strong throughout these trying times, but we certainly can’t wait until they pass.

From all of us on the Commercial Graphics Inc. team, we hope you remain in good health and spirits. If we stay together, while practicing social distancing, we will get through this and hopefully get back to what’s important in life: Tracy’s inappropriate jokes and some good laughs.

For the latest reporting on COVID-19 from the Centers of Disease Control visit or your local health department website. Thank you for your loyalty.

– The Commercial Graphics Inc. Team