If you’ve met any of our team at Commercial Graphics you’ll know we have a lot of useless things to say. We like to think of our words as insightful even if they are riddled with sarcasm and sometimes wasted knowledge. What we’re trying to say is you can count on our team to be entertaining. Our news page for our Michigan print shop features the latest and greatest happenings of all our featured services in Print, Design, Signage, Apparel, Promo and Auto Graphics. It also features all the possible uninteresting things our print shop finds interesting. So by all means, knock yourself out and read on. 

Golf Outing Marketing Solutions In Print

April 18th, 2022|

Golf outing season is upon us and Commercial Graphics, Inc is here for it! In fact, if you're looking to get your golf outing the attention and sponsors it truly deserves than our team can [...]

Print And Signage For The Holidays

December 1st, 2021|

Print and Signage play a huge role during the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season! Think about it, visibly print and signage is everywhere we look. Not only can we find it in [...]

Shop Local This Holiday Season

November 24th, 2021|

Shop Local this Holiday season in order to support your local community! Of course, everyone loves a good deal. We all embrace that warm fuzzy feeling we get from store discounts without doubt. However [...]

Signage Importance In Business

July 8th, 2021|

Signage and Print are an important part of our day-to-day lives! Imagine a world with no signs on the road, no warning labels on products, and no signs trademarking stores or businesses. Most of [...]